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Acupuncture w/o Electrical Stimulation

Holistic medicine is a broad range of medical practices that are based on many years of tradition with Acupuncture treatment, your body and mind will feel free and clear of all worries and stress that life places upon us. We are trained in a variety of holistic techniques that will surely help to heal you both mentally and physically.

Lubalance acupuntue

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese Medicine is a healing technique based on the principle of free and uninterrupted energy flow and helps activate the natural healing processes in each patient's body as well as to restore their physical and emotional well-being. As a certified Acupuncturist, we can help patients reduce their stress and anxiety, among other ailments.

Herb Lubalanc

Cupping/ Moving Cupping 

Promotes blood flow and increase blood circulation to muscles and tissue, supplies oxygen to cells, loosens knots, and can release and drain excess fluids and toxins.

Lu' Moving Cupping brings your circulation to the maximum level, detoxify! 

Lubalane Cupping

TDP/Infrared Lamp & Bio-Mat

The use of amethyst’s healing qualities, and far infrared technology to penetrate deep into tissues to produce a healing response at the cellular level.

Lubalnc TDP


Phone: 9176607528

                                                  FLUSHING OFFICE: 

                                43-18 147th St Flushing, NY 11355


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